Water aerobics is defined as a non-weight bearing (easy on the joints) resistance and aerobic exercise performed in shallow water. It has since evolved from just walking or jogging forward and backward in the water to jumping jacks and popular cross-country skiing movements.

Water equipment has also become more popular. Water weights, floating belts, and other useful equipment are used to increase water resistance as well as help with flotation and balance. Water aerobics can be performed just about anywhere; from health and fitness clubs to public or private swimming pools to even shallow lakes. All you really need is the motivation and dedication to splash around a little bit (warm weather wouldn’t hurt either).

Benefits of Water Aerobics:

Non-weight bearing exercise
Improves muscular endurance
Improves core strength and endurance
Great exercise for pregnant women
Improves flexibility
Improves cardiovascular conditioning
Burns enormous amount of calories
Keeps the body cool during exercise
Fun and enjoyable exercise
Great way to modify or spice up normal routine

Aerobics can be defined as any physical exercise that increases the heart rate and increases the body's intake of oxygen long enough to benefit the condition of the human body.

Performing simple activities such as walking, running, dancing, and swimming are defined as doing aerobic exercises. This type of exercise has been around for some years.




We need to share with you the necessity of seeing your physician before you begin any exercise program. You will need to know if you are safe to begin a program and how much exercise and how intense your program should be.